The photographs on this page were taken at the Oulton Bowling Club.
Members in 1937 with the Movely Trophy which was competed for by the top teams in the Leeds Amateur Bowling Association. The Movely Trophy. Back Row: Unknown, George Raybould, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Percy Jeffrey, Unknown, Unknown, Sam Geldard, Unknown, Unknown. Middle Row: Ernest Anderson, Edward Render, Jesse Binks, Jock Ainsley, Syd Lockwood, Unknown, Unknown. Front Row: Jack Binks, Charles Binks, Fred (Teddy) Palfreeman, Eric Geldard, Billy Geldard, George Hudson (policeman).The Leeds Amateur Bowling Association Preston Shield in the 1950s. The association was formed in 1897. Back Row: Jess Binks, Albert Jackson, Unknown, George Hudson, Charlie Binks, Ernest Anderson, Unknown, Dennis Hammil. Front Row: Unknown, Irvin Hiscock, Sam Geldard, Billy Geldard, William Lawrenson, Tommy Varley. This photo was taken on the same day as the one above. Back Row: Jess Binks, Albert Jackson, Unknown, George Hudson, Charlie Binks, Ernest Anderson, Unknown, Dennis Hamill. Front Row: Unknown, Irvin Hiscock, Sam Geldard, Bill Geldard, William Lawrenson, Tommy Varley. The Movley Trophy and Hutchinson Cup. 197? Back Row: Alan Pennington, Graham Jeffrey, Harry Smith, Ernest Anderson, William Geldard, Reg Jeffrey, Clive Benson, Frank Benson, George Farrer. Front Row: Sam Geldard, George Hollings, Stan Simpson, Rowland Parkes. The abandoned and derelict bowling green and pavilion in the mid-1970s after the Miners’ Welfare had been taken over by Leeds City Council. They attempted to charge on a pay-per-play basis but the members were indignant after playing for free for many years so they dispersed to other clubs at Rothwell and Woodlesford.