Will of William Wilks Dated 18th June 1814.
This is the Last Will and Testament of me William Wilks the elder of Woodlesford in the parish of Rothwell in the County of York Esquire which I do hereby make in manner following:
In the first place I will and direct that all my just Debts, Funeral Expenses and the Charges of proving and registering this my Will be duly paid and satisfied by my Executors hereinafter named as soon as possible after my decease out of my real and personal Estate hereinafter mentioned.
And subject thereto I give and devise unto my Son William Wilks
All that Mansion House or Messuage situate at Woodlesford aforesaid (wherein I now reside) with the Gardens, Orchards, Granary, Stables, and other Outbuildings and Appurtenances to the same belonging.
And all those seven Cottages or Dwellinghouses situate in Woodlesford aforesaid and adjoining or near to each other with the Outbuildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging.
And all other my Messuages, Dwellinghouses, or Cottages situate in Woodlesford aforesaid in whose Tenures and Occupations soever the same now are or may be at the time of my decease, with the Outbuildings and Appurtenances to the same respectively belonging or in any wise appertaining.
And all my Farms, Lands and Grounds by whatever Names called known or distinguished situate lying and being within the Township of Oulton with Woodlesford in the parish of Rothwell aforesaid in whose Possessions soever the same may be.
And all my Farm, Lands and Grounds called Stye Bank situate within the Township or Parish of Rothwell aforesaid with the Appurtenances thereto belonging.
And all those my several Cottages or Dwellinghouses situate standing and being in Oulton in the Parish of Rothwell aforesaid with the Outbuildings, Gardens and Appurtenances thereto belonging.
And also such Part of my Estate, FarmLands and Grounds situate at Methley in the said County of York as is called or commonly known by the Name of Water Gate.
Together with the several Cottages, Dwellinghouses or Tenements, Laiths, Stables, Gardens, Orchards, and other Outbuildings and Appurtenances to the said last mentioned Estate belonging or therewith lately occupied or enjoyed.
To have and to hold all and every the said Messuages, or Tenements, Farms Lands Hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances (Subject to and charged and chargeable with the three several Annuities of Twenty Pounds; Twenty Pounds and Five Guineas, and two respective Legacies of two hundred Pounds and two hundred Pounds (as hereinafter mentioned) unto my said Son William Wilks his Heirs and Assigns. To the only proper and absolute Use and behoof of my said Son William his Heirs and Assigns for ever and to and for no other Use, Intent or Purpose whatsoever.
All which said Hereditaments and Premises I give and devise unto my said Son William his Heirs and Assigns in addition to the Estate, Hereditaments and Premises comprised in a certain Deed of Gift executed by me to my said Son William and bearing date on or about the Fifth day of March last past.
And I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my dear Wife Elizabeth and her Assigns for and during the Term of her natural Life One annuity clear yearly rent or Sum of Twenty Pounds of lawful English Money (which with the Money she now has of her own Will make up her Income to the annual Sum of Fifty Pounds) in full Satisfaction and discharge of any Dower of Thirds at Common Law or otherwise which my said Wife may be entitled unto out of all or any Part of my said Real Estates in Case she survives me.
Also I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret now the Wife of Lancelot Blacket and her Assigns for and during the Term of her Natural Life one Annuity clear yearly rent or Sum of Twenty Pounds of like lawful Money.
And I direct that the receipt of my said Daughter Margaret (notwithstanding her Coverture) shall only be a good and sufficient discharge to my said Son William and his Heirs and Assigns for the Payment of such Annuity.
Also I give devise and bequeath unto my Old Servant Lydia Morris and her Assigns for and during the Term of her Natural Life one Annuity clear yearly rent or Sum of Five Guineas of like lawful Money as a Mark of my respect for her faithful Servitude with me. Which said three last mentioned Annuities I will and direct shall be paid and payable free and clear of and from all Deductions whatsoever whether for or on account of the Property Tax or of any other Tax, Duty, Matter or Thing whatsoever and shall be issuing and payable out of all and every the said hereinbefore mentioned Messuages or Tenements, Farms, Lands, Hereditaments and Premises, and the two first of such Annuities of Twenty Pounds each shall be paid and payable by half yearly Payments in every year, to be respectively computed from the time of my decease. And the said other Annuity of Five Guineas shall be paid and payable once in every year, to be computed in like manner.
And I do hereby charge and subject all and every the same Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Hereditaments and Premises to and with the Payment of the said three several Annuities yearly rents or Sums of Twenty Pounds, Twenty Pounds and Five Guineas accordingly.
And it is my Will and desire that in Case all or any of the said three several Annuities yearly rents or Sums of Twenty Pounds, Twenty Pounds and Five Guineas or any part or parts thereof respectively, shall at any time during the respective Lives of the said Elizabeth my Wife, Margaret my Daughter and Lydia Morris, be behind or unpaid for the Space of twenty days next after the same shall respectively become due or payable (being lawfully demanded) that then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Wife and Daughter Margaret and the said Lydia Morris and their respective Assigns to enter upon the said Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Hereditaments and Premises charged with the said three several Annuities as aforesaid and to distrain for the same respectively or so much of such respective Annuities as shall be so in arrear and unpaid And the Distress and Distresses then and there found to detain and keep until my said Wife and Daughter Margaret and the said Lydia Morris shall be respectively fully paid and satisfied all such respective Arrears of the said several Annuities with the respective Costs and Charges in and about the making and keeping the said Distress or Distresses for the same respectively.
And in Case the said three several Annuities or any of them or any part thereof respectively shall be behind or unpaid for the Space of Forty Days next after the same shall respectively become due or payable, that then and so often it shall and may be lawful for my said Wife and Daughter Margaret and the said Lydia Morris and their respective Assigns to enter and enjoy all and singular the Hereditaments and Premises hereby charged with the same Annuities as aforesaid and to receive and take the rents, Issues and Profits thereof to and for their own respective Use and benefit until they respectively shall be therewith and thereby paid and satisfied or until the Person or Persons who shall be then entitled to immediate Possession of the said Hereditaments and Premises shall pay satisfy and discharge unto my said Wife and Daughter Margaret and the said Lydia Morris all the Arrears of their said three several and respective Annuities and every part thereof incurred before and that shall incur during such time as they respectively shall receive the rents, Issues and Profits thereof or be entitled to receive the same by virtue of such respective Entry or Entries to be made as aforesaid together with all their respective Costs, Damages and Expenses whatsoever to be laid out and sustained by reason of the respective Nonpayments thereof or any part thereof.
And I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary now the Wife of Thomas Smith the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds of lawful English Money to be paid to her by my said Son William his Heirs or Assigns within twelve Months next after my decease. And in case of the Death of my said Daughter Mary before she actually receives the said Sum of Two Hundred Pounds. Then I give and bequeath the same unto the said Thomas Smith her Husband, and in Case of his Death before receipt thereof to all and every the Children of my said Daughter Mary in equal proportions to be paid to them when and as they shall severally and respectively attain their several and respective Ages of twenty one Years or days of Marriage which ever shall first happen, and that the Interest accruing or arising therefrom in the mean time shall be applied by my Executors hereinafter named towards their respective maintenance and Education.
And in case any of the Children of my said Daughter Mary shall happen to die before they respectively attain their said Age of Twenty one Years and unmarried. Then I give and bequeath the respective Share of them so dying unto the Survivors or Survivor of them. To and for her his or their own Use and benefit absolutely.
Also I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Grace now the Wife of Robert Pollock the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds of like lawful English Money to be paid to her by my said Son William his Heirs or Assigns within twelve Months next after my decease.
And in case of the Death of my said Daughter Grace before she actually receives the said Sum of Two Hundred Pounds. Then I give and bequeath the same unto the said Robert Pollock her Husband, and in Case of his Death before receipt thereof, to all and every the Children of my said Daughter Grace in equal proportions to be paid to them when and as they shall severally and respectively attain their several and respective Ages of Twenty one Years or Days of Marriage which ever shall first happen, with application of the Interest in the mean time by my said Executors towards their respective maintenance and Education and benefit of Survivorship in Case of any of their Death amongst such Children in like manner as with respect to the Children of my said Daughter Mary, As and for her his and their own proper Monies absolutely. Which said two last mentioned Legacies or Sums of Two hundred pounds and two hundred pounds I will and direct shall be paid and payable out of all and every my said hereinbefore Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Hereditaments and Premises by my said Son William his Heirs or Assigns.
And I do hereby charge and subject all and every the same Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands Hereditaments and Premises to and with the Payment of the said two respective Legacies or Sums of two hundred pounds and two hundred pounds accordingly.
And as to all my Live and Dead Stock, Farming Utensils, Household Furniture, Books, Pictures, Linen, Wearing and other Apparel, Plate, China, Glass, Wines, Liquors, ready Money, and Money out at Interest upon Security or otherwise and all other my Personal Estate and Effects which I shall die possessed of or have a disposing Power over at the time of my decease (after payment of my Debts, Funeral Expences [sic] and the Charges of proving and registering this my Will) I do hereby give and bequeath the same unto my said Son William Wilks his Executors, Administrators and Assigns to and for his and their own Use and benefit absolutely and to be at his and their own disposal.
Nevertheless it is my Will and desire that my said Wife shall continue to reside with my said Son William in the House I now reside in, so long as they can mutually agree upon so to do, and have the joint Use of my Household Furniture and Effects during such time along with my said Son William and his Family.
And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Son William Wilks and my Cousin John Wilks of Dunningley in the Parish of Woodchurch otherwise West Ardsley in the said County of York Farmer and my good Friend Joseph Wrigglesworth of Woodhouse Hill in the Parish of Rothwell aforesaid joint Executors of this my Will.
Provided always and I do hereby further will declare and direct that my said Executors and each of them respectively shall be charged and chargeable only for such Monies as they shall actually receive. And not by any means answerable or accountable the one for the other of them but each of them only for his own Acts, receipts, Neglects and defaults respectively. Nor for any involuntary Losses or other Misfortune or Damage happening to the aforesaid Trust Estate or Monies or any Part thereof in Execution of the aforesaid Trusts or otherwise in relation thereto. Unless the same shall happen by or through his own wilful defaults respectively.
And also that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Executors and each of them by and out of the said Trust Estate and Monies to deduct retain to and reimburse themselves and himself rrespectively all Costs, Charges, Damages and Expences which they or either of them shall or may suffer sustain expend disburse lay out be at or put unto in or about the Execution of the aforesaid Trusts or in relation thereto.
And I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me heretofore made and do declare this to be and contain my last Will and Testament.
In Testimony whereof the said William Wilks the Elder have to this my Will written on Six Sheets of Paper, subscribed my Hand to the bottom of each of the five preceeding Sheets and subscribed my Hand and affixed my Seal to this Sixth and last Sheet this Eighteenth Day of June in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and ffourteen.
William Wilks Senr [seal]
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator William Wilks the Elder as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of Us, who in his Presence, at his request, and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto [in] the Words in the fifth Sheet, viz, “and my good Friend Joseph Wrigglesworth of Woodhouse Hill in the Parish of Rothwell aforesaid” being first in Witnessing
Richd Evers
Wm Carrett
Elliott Carrett
First codicil annexed to the Will of William Wilks (d. c1820), signed 5 December 1814.
Whereas I William Wilks the Elder of Woodlesford in the Parish of Rothwell in the County of York Esquire Have by Will dated the Eighteenth day of June last past made a provision for the whole of my Children, except my Son Joseph Wilks to whom I have by such Will left nothing But now upon better Consideration of the Matter and in order to make a proper provision for him I do by this my Codicil give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Joseph Wilks and his Assigns for and during the Term of his Natural Life one Annuity clear Yearly Rent or Sum of One Hundred Pounds lawful English Money, to be paid and payable out of and chargeable upon the whole of my Real Estates given and devised in and by my said Will to my Son William Wilks his Heirs and Assigns for ever, by two even and equal half Yearly payments in every Year the first of such payments to be made or become due and payable at the expiration of six Months from the time of my decease. And I do hereby subject and charge my said Real Estates to and with this payment of the said Annuity to my Son Joseph accordingly and give him the like power of Entry distress and Sale upon and over my said Real Estates that my Wife Elizabeth, daughter Margaret and Lydia Morris now have under my said Will in case of nonpayment after the expiration of twenty Days next after the same respectively becomes due. Hereby satisfying the whole of my said Will by me heretofore made Except as to such part thereof only as is in manner above mentioned altered or varied I the said William Wilks the Elder have to this Codicil (which I direct may from henceforth be considered and taken as part of my said Will) subscribed my Hand and affixed my Seal this fifth Day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Fourteen.
Sealed published and declared by the Testator William Wilks the Elder for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the Presence of Us his [?] presence at his request and in the presence of each other [s]ubscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto. Wm Wilks Senr
Wm Carrett
[C]has Bursall [?]
[E]lliott Carrett.
Second codicil annexed to the Will of William Wilks (d. c1820), signed 30 September 1815.
Dated 30th Septr, 1815.
Codicil to the Will of William Wilks Senr. Esqr. of Woodlesford in the Parish of Rothwell.
A Codicil to be annexed to the last Will and Testament of me William Wilks the Elder of Woodlesford in the Parish of Rothwell in the County of York Esquire
Whereas I have made and duly executed my last Will and Testament in Writing bearing Date the Eighteenth day of June in the Year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and fourteen, Whereby I did (amongst other things) give and devise unto my Son William Wilks, All that Mansion House or Messuage situate at Woodlesford aforesaid (wherein I then did and now reside) with the Gardens, Orchards, Granary, Stables and other Outbuildings and Appurtenances to the same belonging; And all those seven Cottages or Dwellinghouses situate in Woodlesford aforesaid and adjoining or near to each other, with the Outbuildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging; And all other my Messuages Dwellinghouses or Cottages situate in Woodlesford aforesaid in whose Tenures or Occupations soever the same then were, or might be at the Time of my Decease, with the Outbuildings and Appurtenances to the same respectively belonging or in any wise appertaining; And all my Farms, Lands and Grounds by whatsoever Names called known or distinguished situate lying and being within the Township of Oulton with Woodlesford in the Parish of Rothwell aforesaid, in whose Possessions soever the same might be; And all my Farm Lands and Grounds called Stye Bank situate within the Township or Parish of Rothwell aforesaid, with the Appurtenances thereto belonging; And all those my several Cottages or Dwellinghouses situate standing and being in Oulton in the Parish of Rothwell aforesaid, with the Outbuildings, Gardens and Appurtenances thereto belonging; And also, such part of my Estate, Farm, Lands and Grounds situate at Methley in the said County of York as is called or commonly known by the Name of Water Gate; Together with the several Cottages, Dwellinghouses or Tenements, Laiths Stables Gardens, Orchards and other Outbuildings and Appurtenances to the said last mentioned Estate belonging, or therewith then lately occupied or enjoyed; To have and to hold All and every the said Messuages or Tenements, Farms, Lands, hereditaments and premises with their Appurtenances, (Subject to and charged and chargeable with the three several Annuities of Twenty Pounds – Twenty Pounds and five Guineas, and two respective Legacies of Two hundred Pounds and Two hundred Pounds as thereinafter mentioned) unto my said Son William Wilks his Heirs and Assigns, To the only proper and absolute Use and Behoof of my said Son William, his Heirs and Assigns for Ever, and to and for no other Use, Intent or Purpose whatsoever; All which said hereditaments and Premises I did give and devise unto my said Son William his Heirs and Assigns in Addition to the Estate hereditaments and Premises comprised in a certain Deed of Gift executed by me to my said Son William, and bearing Date on or about the Fifth day of March then last past; And after giving, devising and bequeathing the said respective Annuities of Twenty Pounds – Twenty Pounds and five Guineas, and directing that the same should be issuing and payable out of all and every the said therein and hereinbefore mentioned Messuages or Tenements, Farms Lands hereditaments and premises, and to be paid and payable as therein mentioned, And after charging and subjecting all and every the same Messuages or Tenements, Farms, Lands hereditaments and premises to and with the Payment of the said three several Annuities Yearly Rents or Sums of Twenty Pounds – Twenty Pounds and five Guineas accordingly, with such Power of Distress and Entry as is therein mentioned for Recovery thereof; And after giving and bequeathing unto my Daughter Mary, then and now the Wife of Thomas Smith, the Sum of Two hundred Pounds payable in Manner therein mentioned, And to my Daughter Grace, then and now the Wife of Robert Pollock, the Sum of Two hundred Pounds payable in Manner therein mentioned; Which said last mentioned Legacies or Sums of Two hundred Pounds and Two hundred Pounds I did will and direct should be paid and payable out of all and every my said Messuages or Tenements, Farms, Lands, hereditaments and premises, by my said Son William his Heirs or Assigns, And I did thereby charge and subject the same with the Payment thereof accordingly; And as to all my Live and dead Stock, Farming Utensils, Household Furniture, Books, Pictures, Linen, Wearing and other Apparel, Plate, China, Glass, Wines, Liquors, Ready Money and Money out at Interest, upon Security or otherwise, and all other my Personal Estate and Effects which I should die possessed of, or have a disposing Power over at the Time of my Decease, (after Payment of my Debts, Funeral Expences and the Charges of proving and registering my said Will) I did thereby give and bequeath the same unto my said Son William Wilks, his Executors Administrators and Assigns to and for his and their own Use and Benefit absolutely, and to be at his and their own Disposal; Nevertheless it was my Will and Desire that my said Wife should continue to reside with my said Son William in the house I then resided and now reside in, so long as they could mutually agree upon so to do, and that she should have the joint Use of my Household furniture and Effects during such Time along with my said Son William and his Family; And I did thereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Son William Wilkes [sic], my Cousin John Wilks of Dunningley in the Parish of Woodchurch otherwise West Ardsley in the said County of York Farmer, and my good Friend Joseph Wrigglesworth of Woodhouse Hill in the Parish of Rothwell aforesaid Joint Executors of my said Will; As in and by the same upon Reference thereunto, will now fully and at large appear; And whereas I the said William Wilks the Elder did make and publish a Codicil to my said Will bearing Date the Fifth day of December in the said Year One thousand eight hundred and fourteen, whereby I did give devise and bequeath unto my Son Joseph Wilks and his Assigns for and during the Term of his Natural Life, One Annuity, clear Yearly Rent or Sum of One hundred Pounds of lawful English Money, to be paid and payable out of the chargeable upon the whole of my Real Estates given and devised in and by my said Will to my said Son William Wilks his Heirs and Assigns for Ever, but did not thereby alter or vary my said Will in any other Respect; As in and by the said Codicil, reference being thereto had, will more fully appear; And whereas since the making and publishing of my said Will and Codicil, I the said William Wilks the Elder have sold and disposed of All such part of my Estate, Farm, Lands and Grounds situate at Methley in the said County of York as is called or commonly known by the Name of Water Gate; Together with the several Cottages, Dwellinghouses or Tenements, Laiths Stables Gardens, Orchards and other Outbuildings and Appurtenances to the said Estate belonging or therewith lately occupied and enjoyed, So that the Devise thereof is thereby become null and void; And I do hereby revoke and make void the said Devise accordingly; And whereas I am minded and desirous (in Consequence of my said Son William Wilks’s Refusal to give up his Estate, Right, Title and Interest in the Pottery situate near Swillington Bridge in the Township of Woodlesford aforesaid, with the Lands Grounds Buildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging in Favor of my said Son Joseph Wilks, unless I would sign and execute a Bond or other Writing to him my said Son William for his Satisfaction and Security, and for certain other Reasons weighing with me), to revoke annul and make void the several Devises and Bequests to my said Son William Wilks his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns given devised and bequeathed in and by my said Will or the Codicil hereinbefore recited; Now I the said William Wilks the Elder do by this present Writing, which I do hereby declare to be a Codicil to my said Will and to be taken as part thereof, revoke annul and make void all and every the Devises and Bequests to my said Son William Wilks his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns in and by my said Will and Codicil hereinbefore recited mentioned and expressed; And I do hereby Give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Joseph Wilks his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns All and every my said Real and Personal Estates so given devised and bequeathed to my said Son William Wilks his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns in and by my said Will or Codicil as aforesaid; To have and to hold the said several Real and Personal Estates, and their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances, according to the respective Natures and Tenures thereof, Unto and To the only proper and absolute Use and Behoof of my said Son Joseph Wilks his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for Ever, in as full, ample and beneficial Manner to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever as my said Son William Wilks could have held and enjoyed the same; Subject nevertheless and without Prejudice to the Payment of the same Annuity or Yearly Sum of Twenty Pounds to my said Wife Elizabeth Wilks and her Assigns during her Life in Manner in my said Will mentioned, And to her continuing to reside with my said Son Joseph in the house I now reside in, so long as they can mutually agree upon so to do, and of her having the joint Use of my Household Furniture and Effects during such Time along with my said Son Joseph and his Family, (if any;) And also Subject and without Prejudice to the Payment of the said Annuity of Five Guineas to my old Servant Lydia Morris and her Assigns in my said Will also mentioned; And also Subject and without Prejudice to the Payment of the Sum of Three hundred Pounds each of lawful English Money to my said Daughter Mary the wife of Thomas Smith and Grace the Wife of Robert Pollock, in Lieu and instead of the Sum of Two hundred Pounds each given and bequeathed to them in and by my said Will; Which said Legacies of Three hundred Pounds each I will and direct shall be paid and payable to my said Daughters in Manner directed by my said Will, and charged and chargeable on all and every my said Real Estates as therein mentioned; And also Subject and with out Prejudice to the Payment of the Sum of Three hundred Pounds of like lawful Money to my said Daughter Margaret the Wife of Lancelot Blacket in the same Manner as bequeathed to my said Daughters Mary Smith and Grace Pollock, and to be paid and payable at the same Time, and charged and chargeable on my said Real Estates in the same Manner as their said respective Legacies, In Lieu of and in full Satisfaction for the said Annuity or Yearly Sum of Twenty Pounds given and bequeathed to my said Daughter Margaret Blacket in and by my said Will. And also, I Give and Devise All that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement situate and being at or in Mickletown in the Parish of Methley aforesaid, now in the Tenure or Occupation of my Son in Law the said Thomas Smith, with the Clo[?] Lands Grounds Outbuildings hereditaments and Appurtenances thereto belonging, (and which do not appear to have been devised in and by my said Will,) And all other my Real Estates whatsoever and wheresoever and of what Nature or Kind soever which I shall be possessed of, interested in or entitled to at the Time of my Decease, unto my said Son Joseph Wilks his Heirs and Assigns, To have and to hold the same unto and to the Use of my said Son Joseph Wilks, his Heirs and Assigns for Ever; Subject nevertheless to the Payment of the Mortgage Monies now due, and owing on my said Freehold Estate at Mickletown in Methley aforesaid; And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Son Joseph Wilks and Joseph Crompton of Woodlesford aforesaid Paper-Maker, joint Executors of my said Will, together and along with the said Joseph Wrigglesworth therein named; in Lieu and instead of my said Son William Wilks and my said Cousin John Wilks as therein mentioned; And I do hereby invest them with the same Powers and Authorities as my said Executors are invested with in and by my said Will; And lastly, I do hereby ratify and confirm my said Will in all Things not herein and hereby altered and revoked; In Witness whereof I the said William Wilks the Elder (the Testator) have to this Codicil written on five Sheets of Paper set my Hand and Seal in Manner following (that is to say) to the four first Sheets thereof I have set my Hand, and to this my Hand and Seal this Thirtieth day of September in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifteen.
William Wilks Senr
This Writing was signed and sealed by the said William Wilks the Elder, and by him published and declared as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us, who at his Request and in his Presence and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses to the Execution thereof…
Thos Wood
Peter Hurders
William Addie
Third codicil annexed to the Will of William Wilks (d. c1820), signed 6 February 1818.
A Codicil to be annexed to the last Will and Testament of me William Wilks the Elder of Woodlesford in the Parish of Rothwell in the County of York Esquire
Whereas in and by a Codicil annexed to my said Will bearing Date on or about the Thirtieth day of September in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifteen, I the said William Wilks did (amongst other Things) give and bequeath the Sum of Three hundred Pounds each to my Daughters Mary the Wife of Thomas Smith and Grace the Wife of Robert Pollock in Lieu and instead of the Sum of Two hundred Pounds each given and bequeathed to them in and by my said Will; Which said Legacies of Three hundred Pounds each, I willed and directed by my said Will, and payable to my said Daughters in Manner directed by my said Will, and charged and chargeable on all and every my Real Estates as therein mentioned; And whereas I the said William Wilks have become bound with the said Robert Pollock for the Payment of sundry Sums of Money, and am therefore desirous of revoking and making void the said Legacy so given to the said Grace the Wife of the said Robert Pollock; And I do hereby revoke and make void the said Legacy of Three hundred Pounds so given to the said Grace the Wife of the said Robert Pollock accordingly; And I do hereby ratify and confirm my said Will and Codicil before made in all Things not herein and hereby altered and revoked; In Witness whereof I the said William Wilks the Elder (the Testator) have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Sixth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Eighteen.
William Wilks
This Writing was signed and sealed by the said William Wilks (the Elder) and by him published and declared as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament, in the Presence of us, who at his Request and in his Presence and in the Presence of each other, have subscribed our Names as Witnesses to the Execution thereto
Thos Wood
Peter Hunders
Richard Casper