Leeds Intelligencer. Saturday 12 March 1836.
Thomas Smith (41) was indicted for the manslaughter of William Hutchinson, at Oulton-cum-Woodlesfnrd, on the 28th of August last.
Messrs Milner and Bainks for the prosecution; Mr. Cottingham for the defence. We published at the time a full account of the circumstances of the case, which came out on the protracted investigation before the Coroner’s Jury, but the main facts of the case lie in a very narrow compass.
The deceased was an agent to Messrs. Favell and Dyson, contractors of works, and lodged at the home of Mrs. Gibson, the Three Horse Shoes Inn., at Oulton, and the prisoner’s house was at a short distance.
On the night in question, the deceased had had several glasses of liquor, and had been in and out of the house several times.
About half past eleven, he went out, and a short time after, a loud scuffling and struggling was heard near a beer house called the Jolly Knobbler kept by one John Moore, about twenty yards from the Horse Shoes.
lt was ascertained that the scuffling was between the deceased, the prisoner, and a man named Samuel Watson, Watson’s object being to separate the prisoner and the deceased, who were the actual combatants.
In the struggle all three fell, the deceased being upon Smith, and when the prisoner got up he ran towards some carts which were close at hand, and seized an implement called a cart prop, with which instantly struck the deceased a blow on the forehead, which felled him to the ground and he never moved or spoke afterwards.
The blow had fractured his skull and produced instantaneous death.
The prisoner, in his defence, said that the scuffle took place in consequence of some offensive expressions used by the deceased to his wife, and that after they had been down on the ground together he had seized the cart prop in self defence, without any intention of doing serious mischief, but unfortunately the first blow proved fatal.
He was sorry for what had happened, as the deceased had not a better friend in Oulton than himself.
Thomas Smith was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to 15 months hard labour in the House of Correction at Wakefield.
SERIOUS ACCIDENT AT OULTON. Leeds Mercury. Friday 5 July 1889.
Yesterday afternoon an inquest was held at the Three Horse Shoes Inn, Oulton, touching the death of Mr. Jewell (58), builder, of Clarendon Road, Notting Hill, London.
From the evidence adduced it appears that the deceased gentleman and his wife were on a visit to their son-in-law’s (Mr. A. H. Smith, outfitter), at Castleford.
On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Smith hired a dog-cart, and he and his wife, with the deceased and his wife, went for a drive.
On returning from Hunslet, and proceeding down John O’Gaunt’s Hill at Oulton the horse took fright, Mr. Smith states, at some bicycles passing, and bolted.
Mr. Jewell seized the reins in fear, causing the horse to run into the embankment, throwing the whole party into the centre of the road.
Mr. Jewell alighted on his head, and died almost instantly from acute concussion of the brain. His wife had both legs broken, and was so badly shaken that she lies at present in a dangerous condition. She was picked up insensible.
Mrs. Smith was severely cut and shaken, and was rendered also insensible. Mr. Smith, who was driving, remained conscious, although he is dreadfully cut and bruised. The Rev. J. Hamilton and daughters, of the Vicarage, procured help at once and provided brandy. The body of the deceased gentleman was removed to the Three Horse Shoes. A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.
INQUEST. Leeds Times. Saturday 27 September 1834.
On Tuesday evening, an inquest was taken before Christopher Jewison, Esq., at the house of Mrs. Mary Gibson, the Three Horse Shoes Inn, in Oulton, near Leeds, on view of the body of Benjamin Jackson, a labourer in the employ of John Blayds, Esq. who on that day died of apoplexy. Verdict accordingly.
RIOTOUS PROCEEDINGS AT OULTON FEAST. Leeds Mercury. Friday 25 May 1866.
On Sunday, when the annual feast at Oulton was held, a disgraceful scene was witnessed; a number of men from Hunslet having caused quite a riot by their drunken and reckless behaviour.
On Wednesday, at the Wakefield Court-house, eight men were placed in the dock, charged with being concerned in these riotous proceedings. From the evidence given it appeared that a state of terrorism must have reigned for a time, and it was not until the police obtained the assistance of some of the inhabitants that the principal offenders were secured.
The chief portion of the damage was committed at the Three Horse Shoes, where the landlord and waiter were assaulted, the door damaged to the amount of £3 2s., and glasses and pots broken to the value of 5s.
The men’s names were Owen Tallant, James Owen, Matthew Wright (discharged), James Hodgson, John Forbes, William Hancock, Squire Newton, and Thomas Douglas.
The Bench said there had been a very serious riot; and that the case might have been sent to the sessions for trial.
As Douglas had said at the commencement that they had come to have a row, and would have one, he would be more heavily punished than anyone else, and especially as he had taken a more prominent part.
He would have £2 10s. to pay, or go to prison for two months,, and the others would have £2 each to pay, or go to prison for six weeks.
SHOCKING DEATH OF A LEEDS CARRIER. Yorkshire Evening Post. Friday 10 February 1893.
Last night Arthur Clarke, a carrier between Leeds and Oulton, was returning to the latter place in company with a man named Joseph Lister. On reaching the bottom of the hill at Oulton Lister got on the back of one of the horses, and the deceased attempted to get on the front of the waggon. Unfortunately, he slipped, fell on the road, and was run over by the wheel and killed on the spot. The accident occurred about 7 p.m., and the body was conveyed to the Three Horse Shoes Inn, where an inquest will be held.
WEST RIDING THEFT CASE. Yorkshire Post. Wednesday 10 October 1923.
Joseph J. Bevan, a miner, of Woodlesford, was sent to prison for three months’ hard labour for stealing a voluntary box and its contents from the Three Horse Shoes Inn, at Oulton. The box had been placed for the benefit of the Institution for the Blind. Bevan had been convicted three times previously this year, and although he told the magistrates he was a single man, one of the convictions was for neglecting to maintain his family.